Have you heard? Enterprise Mobility is the Word!

Enterprise Mobility is the top technology trend out in IT today. And because of that, it should be of no real shock to anyone that every enterprise has or will be working on deploying a mobile strategy in 2014. A granular mobility plan allows enterprises to leverage a foundation in order to establish policies to the benefit of your enterprise and their mobile solutions. While the enterprise mobility trend is not new in the year 2014, it is the trend that has grown and expanded in the last 2 years to where is it a serious topic of conversation when you hear, Citrix XenMobile!

There is no true defined pattern of need when it comes to the Citrix Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Solution, as the needs of each customer and their IT landscape is unique and different, but the one constant is the need for a rock solid mobility solution. And that is what Citrix XenMobile can offer, anyone, anywhere, and at any time.

Today, Citrix customers are managing twice as many devices across an array of platforms, while iOS remains number one with a bullet. In just one year, mobile device enrollment has increased 135%. With that margin, other OS platforms saw a similar increase in device enrollment. With various mobile platforms, many enterprises are now adopting mobility faster than ever before, even though those enterprises are still developing a deployment solution to meet the growing trend and use of mobility.

In the last 2 years, the number of device based policies decreased. The 6 most currently employed and enforced policies are as follows: Passcode, GPS, Restrict and Device Resources/Applications, Wi-Fi, VPN, and Two-Factor Authentication. The change in policies over the last 2 years are a solid indicator of the change to enterprise thinking and development of mobility requirements and solutions. The priority has shifted from once needing to control and managing devices to now being able to manage and enforcing application level policies to offer a better mobile experience without compromising the security of data.

The continued growth and trend is reflective of the continued growth of applications being created for the mobile user community today. These specific trends identified from Citrix XenMobile Cloud deployments effectively and show the transition to an enterprise mobile solution to meet the demand and need of IT’s mobile needs. Enterprise IT is now focused on being an enabler for user productivity by being less restrictive by enforcing security without compromising the end user mobile experience, which should be the goal of IT in the year 2014.

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