Citrix Workspace Suite is the sweet solution to meet your mobility needs

A mobile workspace allows anyone to work from anywhere at any time. Mobile workspaces are the advancement of the traditional desktop in today’s ever changing world of IT. By being able to access your work email and documents as well as other valuable applications and data, which previously have been only available on your workstation in your cube, you should look into a mobile solution and embrace the freedom and possibilities of Citrix Mobile Workspace Suite. Today we see that working professionals use no less than 2-3 devices as they work on the go. From your smartphone, tablet, and laptop, your mobile workspace can move with you. Your mobile workspace now can consist of all of your digital needs to be productive and happy on the move. Just think of it, all of your applications and data right at your fingertips.

The essential technologies to deliver the best mobile workspace include deliverables for application and data and that is where Citrix Mobile Workspace Suite makes perfect sense. From mobile and virtual applications, instant file sync and share, social collaboration, secure mobile access coupled with the ability to work on any network on any cloud on any device in any location, Citrix Mobile Workspace Suite is ideal for end user on the go and with mobile workspace options to empower your end user base with new ways to work smarter and not harder.

The numbers do not lie. According to Forbes, the number of workers who telecommute will increase 63% in the next five years. Currently 61% of IT professionals work outside of the 4 walls of the office cubical and embrace the their mobile freedom, while 39% of their IT counterparts work indoors at their desks. In today’s IT landscape, most technology professionals use no less than 3 devices a day for work related purposes. Today’s IT technology does not keep pace with the needs of the mobile masses. 28% of people feel they lack the sufficient tools to properly do their jobs, while 72% of people feel ill-equipped to work outside their office with today’s technology at their disposal.

By the end of 2015 75% of all mobile applications will fail basic security tests. 67% of the technology decision makers say the lack of data protection on mobile devices concern them. While the remaining 33% of those decision makers are only ok with the current security protocols in place.

Today’s mobile workspace strategy is simple: your desktop and applications, data and the ability to socially collaborate on any device from any location and Citrix Mobile Workspace Suite is the solution to meet all your mobility needs.

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